Pursuit of happiness

Rosie’s take on… Another reminder that your happiness matters 
Sometimes we can get into a routine, and before we know it weeks have passed and all we’ve done is work and sleep. So here’s a little reminder for all of you, and myself. 

Do more of what makes you happy.

Literally just do it.

It doesn’t require you going out and spending extravagant amounts of money every day, there are some really small things that can make a difference to your entire mental state. And I think you should find them, and you should do them. 

2017 will be my year of doing whatever it is that makes me happy. I’ve already been down south for a few days with my favourite man in the world. I go to the gym nearly every day, and the beach. I’m at a job I actually enjoy. After years of schooling and uni, and then a tough emotional year last year, I’ve decided to actively and consciously embark on the pursuit of my ongoing happiness. It’s very refreshing. 

After all, you only have one life. You may as well enjoy it and make the most of it. 

I guess being all happy and in love and crap has given me this clear image of the world, and I’ve had this big epiphany. There is no such thing as “they spend too much time together”. 

If a person makes them happy, why shouldn’t they spend heaps of time with them? Wouldn’t you, if you found someone who you genuinely loved being around? This works for friendships or relationships. If you make each other happy, why shouldn’t you spend heaps of time together? It’s quite simple.

You know what I’m about? Being happy. So yeah, a large majority of what I do is to make me happy. Of course I want to spend time with the most positive people in my life. And that’s why I spend so much time with my boyfriend.

It’s like “you want to spend more time with the person who makes you the happiest in the world? You monster.” 

Literally just do what makes you happy. Spend time with those who add something to your life. And don’t listen to the people who try to tell you that’s wrong.

Spend time outside. Seasons change so fast, make the most of the season you’re in now. It’s possible I’m only saying that because it’s summer for me right now, and it’s undoubtedly my favourite time of year. Maybe if it were winter, I’d be singing a different tune. Speaking of which, that leads me into my next point.

Listen to good music. Find songs that give you hope or energy or pumped up vibes, and listen to them at all hours of the day.

Exercise. It’s such a mood changer; the biggest mood changer there is, for me. And there’s so many different ways of exercising. Find a way you enjoy, and do it.

Spoil yourself every now and then. Financial security can be really important, but at the end of the day, money doesn’t leave this life with you. So spend some of it occasionally. You can always earn more money. (It’s possible I’m just saying that to justify my purchases in Lorna Jane yesterday. Not even sorry.) 

Find things that make you laugh. Enjoy a really good belly laugh every now and then. A good Shrek meme/video is always guaranteed to make me laugh. Fill your saved videos section on Facebook with hilarious videos nobody else can appreciate like you. 

Take deep breaths. Seriously, once a day, just stop what you’re doing and take a few nice long deep breaths. 

Read a book. Or two or three or a million, like I always want to. Or if reading isn’t your thing, watch a movie. Or binge watch an entire TV show. 

Time is passing whether you’re enjoying what you do or not. Time is ticking whether you’re living life to the fullest or spending your days in a perpetual bad mood. I’d rather be having fun with the people that make me laugh, reading books that are good for my soul (or trashy, pointless ones, too), running on the beach with my dog, and above all; being happy. 

4 thoughts on “Pursuit of happiness

  1. How very true, Rosie! You seem to be enjoying your time together with Jayden. He has so much love ❤️ in his heart, one of our perfect Grandsons.
    All Our love, Nan & Pop xxxx

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